20 January 2012

A rocky road...

This week was a bit weird. I think it is the first week in a while when there wasn't something to "get through". This seems to be the chosen phrase used when somebody passes away. We had to get through the funeral, then the weeks after, then my first birthday without Mam, then get through Christmas, then get through New Years. Then we got through all of the above and then it was Dad's 50th. And now there is a lull for the first time in ages. There is nothing in particular happening but you still have to "get through" it. And it is crap. It's a rocky road one might say....cue rocky road recipe!

This is really easy. You basically put whatever you want into a load of melted chocolate. There was a mega pile of sweets and bars and biscuits left over since Christmas and I have never actually made Rock Road so I thought I would give it a go. The recipe I looked at had dried apricots and raisins and la-di-da things that I did not possess so i just murdered a chocolate Santy and threw a load of fun things in.

What you need:
12 digestive biscuits
1 bag of marshmallows
Lots and lots of chocolate to melt
Chewy bars like mars or snickers to put into the melted chocolate

What you do:
Break up the chocolate and melt it in a glass bowl over simmering water. I used hazelnut chocolate so I didn't have to buy nuts. Thrifty! 

When it's melted, chop up your chewy bars and throw them in along with your coarsely broken up biscuits. Chop a few marshmallows and that is basically it. Squash it all into a tin and let it set in the fridge.

A tasty, little, emotionally named treat.

Also here are a few photos from during the week:

Some pretty burnt orange roses

New nail varnish

Cheeseboard and chats with the girls

A Christmas present haircut-they have massage chairs!

Joey x


  1. Your rocky road looks scrumptious... will definitely be trying this one out!

  2. Murdered a chocolate Santa- HA!
