1 January 2012

Getting to know me...

A new year and a New Year's resolution to go with it. A blog! A year is a funny thing. This day last year I had a fancy New Year's dinner and talked about how lovely Christmas was and all about the freaky blizzards that Ireland had been visited by. Today I had a fancy New Year's dinner and thought about how awful the past few months have been and how different my life is now. On the 6th of September 2011 my healthy, 49 year old mam got into her blue VW Beetle after work and never came home. She had a huge aneurysm and when we all got to the hospital they had to tell us (and the 70 other people who had rushed to the hospital to be with us) that there was nothing they could do. If feels bizarre even writing it. Like it hasn't happened. So many people loved Mam that there were over a thousand people at her funeral. It was during those two weeks, and really every single day up to now that I have realised how amazing my mam was. People who I had never met were telling me that my mother had changed their lives or even saved their lives. Everyone had a little story or thing that reminded them of her. Which is kind of why I want to do this blog. Mam loved pretty things. She loved crafts and decorating, She loved Christmas and everything that went with it. She loved fashion. She LOVED chocolate and coffee and anything that I ever baked. I think I like most of the things I like because of her. So when I see something that I like, I know she probably would have liked it too. So this blog is basically the things I would have shown to my mam. 
Ok... so had to take a little crying break from writing. Stupid new blog upsetting me already. Anyway, I'm going to show the stuff I do and like to you. I hope you like it.
Miss you and love you Mam 
Joey x

PS Mam loved bunting. It was her little thing. She liked it so much that she always said if anything ever happened to her she wanted bunting on her coffin. Nobody was allowed wear black either. So there was bunting on her coffin and it was the brightest funeral you could imagine.


  1. What an amazing idea. I love your blog Joanna, keep writing. Your mam would definitely love this blog. xx (This is Deborah Byrne)

  2. HI Joanne
    1st cousin once removed Sara here. Found your blog through facebook (wont say who!). Just wanted to let you know that I think of Jean an awful lot, she was a truly beautiful person inside and out and I know she lives on in you and your brothers and sister x

  3. Love the blog lady, always thinking of you:-)

  4. Have read every post (again) and your blog is amazing. You truely are an amazing girl, and your mam sounded absolutely wonderful xxx
