1 January 2012

Homemade Vanilla Extract

So my first post was an emotional rolercoaster. Now let's make something pretty. Hurray!
Vanilla is the best. I put it in literally everything that seems like a good idea. But pure vanilla extract is really pricey. As in €11 a bottle. Too much for a lowly student like me. So I tried making it. Here is what i did/needed.

Things you will need:

  • Pretty little jars or bottles that have a lid you can seal tightly
  • Vodka
  • Fresh vanilla pods
I got my vanilla as a gift but apparently it's a million times cheaper on the internet than from shops.

Things that you don't need but make it look nicer:

  • Stripey string which is apparently called "baker's twine." Who knew?
  • Brown paper to make tiny, fancy labels.
  • Vanilla candle is optional if you're feeling romantic.

Cut your vanilla pods to fit whatever size your jar or bottle is. Next take your vanilla pods and slice them down the middle leaving a little bit at the end to keep them together.

Now squish them into the jars in a way that you are leaving yourself plenty of room for the vodka. Pour in the vodka so that it goes right up to the top. It needs to fully cover the vanilla.

Now all that's left is to seal the lid and make labels if you want. You could just stick a label on but that is no fun. Brown paper and baker's twine tags anyone?...Yes please.

Store them in a cool, dark press/cupboard and give them a shake once a week. Don't even think about using it for at least two months, if not longer. It will not be delicious yet. I'll do vanilla updates about what mine looks like each week.
Joey x


  1. No way!! I never knew there was vodka in Vanilla Extract. Also is vanilla extract the same thing as Vanilla essence?. Loving the blog.

    1. Hey sorry I took so long to reply. I'm glad you like it. I don't really know what the difference is. I think essence is more chemically though. And apparently you can use lots of different types of alcohol like bourbon or rum to make it too. Interesting eh?

  2. okay so now ive tried to comment a few times are proud Daddies not allowed say anything?????

    1. I still know you are my number 1 fan Dad. X

  3. Deadly! I'm spicing some rum at the moment, the string and brown paper really make it special I might steal that idea.
